Data Foundation for
Generative AI

Is your business ready for the AI revolution?

Building a Robust Data Foundation for Generative AI on AWS

Generative AI isn’t just a buzzword—it’s reshaping industries. By 2026, Gartner predicts that 80% of enterprises will have leveraged Generative AI APIs or deployed GenAI-enabled applications. Don’t get left behind. Uturn Data Solutions, in partnership with AWS, is here to guide you through this transformative journey.

Why data foundations matter for generative AI:

Quality Input, Quality Output: Generative AI models are only as good as the data they’re trained on. A robust data foundation ensures your AI has access to high-quality, relevant data.

Scale and Performance: As your AI needs grow, your data infrastructure must keep pace. A well-designed data foundation on AWS allows for seamless scaling and optimal performance.

Compliance and Governance: With increasing regulations around AI and data use, a proper data foundation helps maintain compliance and enables effective data governance.

Cost Efficiency: Effective data management reduces redundancy and improves processing efficiency, directly impacting your bottom line.

Real-time Insights: A solid data foundation enables real-time data processing, allowing your Generative AI models to provide up-to-the-minute insights and responses.

Data Foundation Services

Uturn’s Data Foundation Solutions:

In the race to adopt Generative AI, a solid data foundation isn’t just an advantage—it’s essential. Uturn Data Solutions is an official launch partner for the AWS Data Foundations on Generative AI Partner Program.  This program allows us to offer our clients unique incentives to accelerate their GenAI initiatives including:

Data Readiness for GenAI:
Our Data Strategy Diagnostic model will help to assess your organization’s data readiness for GenAI adoption

AWS Reference Architectures:
Benefit from our AWS-specific reference data architectures, custom-tailored to guide your implementation journey on the cloud.

Funding Support:
Qualify for funding on medium to high complexity Generative AI and data implementation projects in production environments on AWS.

Don’t just adopt AI—master it. With Uturn Data Solutions expertise in data foundations and AWS’s leading cloud infrastructure, you’ll be equipped to harness the full potential of Generative AI, driving innovation and staying ahead in today’s data-driven world.

Contact Uturn Data Solutions today to start your journey towards AI excellence on AWS.

Let’s Talk Cloud

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